We are looking forward to see you!

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The Schedule

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Friday May 31
Saturday June 1
Sunday June 2

The main ceremony will take place on June 1, 2024. Please check in to accommodations at least the night before. You may want to consider checking in on Thursday, May 30.

Friday, May 31

Cadillac Mountain Sunrise | 4:52am

Several groups purchased sunrise tickets. One ticket is required per vehicle. Park passes are required with your ticket.

If you'd like to attend but can't snag a ticket, let Sid/Sam know!

Sunrise is 4:52am.
Plan to go up the mountain at 3:45-4:00am.

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Post Cadillac Breakfast

Jeannie’s Great Maine Breakfast
Plan for 7am.

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Play a round at Kebo Valley

Some of the gents are playing a round at Kebo Valley.
We can't book yet, but plan for a 7-8am tee time.
Breakfast above may overlap.

Are you a gent? Do you want to top some balls? Let Sid know!

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Morning Hike

Jesup and Hemlock Trail

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Evening Dinner

Blaze Bar Harbor

Tacos will be provided buffet style.
Vegetarian and GF available. :) 

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Saturday, June 1

Wedding Ceremony

Acadia National Park
Otter Point » Exact location TBD
We will circulate the exact parking location the day before.

11:40am — Arrive — NOTE: Parking is extremely limited. Please carpool and plan ahead for extended time to park. Park Loop Road is ONE WAY FOR 27 MILES. Don't mess up.

11:45am — Leave parking lot

The group will walk from the parking lot to the ceremony location. Please do not be late, as you may not find us.

12:15pm — Ceremony start

12:30pm — Ceremony end | Photos

Important notes
Each vehicle NEEDS a park pass. Please car pool. We expect the ceremony to last approximately 10-15 minutes. There is no seating. After the ceremony, please do not leave. We would like photos with everyone.

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Post-ceremony Eats

Beal's Lobster Pier


We reserved several tables at Beal's and will pick up the tab!

Sam and Sid will depart early for more photos. They'll meet you out in Bar Harbor later!

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Evening Drinks

9pm - Bar Harbor Beer Works

We'll begin at Bar Harbor Beer Works and move on from here!

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Sunday, June 2

Late Morning Hike

11:00am-2pm - We'll meet up for an easy 3-mile loop around Jordan Pond. Link up at the Jordan Pond boat launch to start!

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Late Lunch

2pm - Jordan Pond House
We have a reservation for twenty (that's everyone!). Treat yourself to lunch with us!

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7:00pm - Geddy's
For those still in town, let's grab dinner! We have two reservations to accommodate everyone.

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Bar Harbor is a very walkable town. We elected not to reserve room blocks.

If you chose accommodations outside of what's listed below, please ensure it is IN the town of Bar Harbor (not just with a Bar Harbor address). Some hotels may appear close but are actually quite far away.

Sid and Sam are staying at Balance Rock Inn.

Balance Rock Inn

21 Albert Meadow, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

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Harborside Hotel

55 West St, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

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West Street Hotel

50 West St, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

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Bar Harbor Inn

1 Newport Dr, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

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Plan to dress semi-formal or dressy casual for the ceremony—or fancier if you prefer. Remember, we'll be in a national park. The ground may be loose and rocky, and there will not be any seating.

The Crew

Want to know which beautiful faces you might find in Maine?

Lona Keith

Groom's Mother

Bob Keith

Groom's Father

Myra Zink

Bride's Mother

Mike Zink

Bride's father

Becky Eby

Bride's Sister

Joe Eby

Bride's Brother in-law

Cory Shoaf


Ashli Nelson

Andrew Gould

Jennifer Bisram-Gould

Kyle Gritzan

Jessica Gritzan

Kate Edwards

Adam Edwards

Tom Crilley

Claire Berkley

Sean Dulaney

Tanya Dulaney

Sean Courtney

Erin Courtney

Jon Bishop

Robyn Bishop

Matt Elsey

Connal Kelly


Sara Wohl

Steve Wohl

Other Details


No gifts please! Your presence is the best thing you can give us!


If you're seeing this page, you've officially RSVP'd as yes! 

Space is extremely limited. Please let Sid or Sam know as soon as possible if your plans change.


There will not be a formal reception - no first dances, cake cutting, etc. We plan to celebrate in downtown Bar Harbor with dinner and drinks in a more informal setting.


We are looking forward to see you!

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